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Rita Repulsa!653 viewsThe card says she's an alien. No offense, but that is the most NON-alien Alien I've ever seen! I'm just saying.     (1 votes)

Dragon Shogun Shogunzord1468 views     (1 votes)

Reverse Dimension Ninja Rangers965 viewsShortly after Jason,Trini and Zack left the Power Rangers they were replaced with Rocky,Aisha and Adam. After they lost their powers they gained new ninja powers from the Corrupt, Evil Ninja Ninjor.
Now each of the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers is reprisented by a animal, Turquoise:Ape, Blue:Bear, Yellow:Wolf, Green:Crane, White:Frog and Black: Falcon.     (11 votes)

Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12104 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?     (8 votes)

MysticForce2006 - Dark Magic2924 views     (8 votes)

serpintara1939 viewsSince I haven't uploaded in awhile i thought i might share with you a stylized background for display figures, if you want the higher res for actual display let me know     (7 votes)

Reverse Dimension Dino Zords912 viewsThe Dino Zords are collosal dinosaur assault vehicles the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers pilot to fight Giant Good Monsters. Can combine into a tank or the Megazord.      (7 votes)

Based off of the Hanaranger Design1372 views     (7 votes)

Howk's fanart : Megazord 15th anniversary2427 views     (13 votes)
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