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Top rated - Fan Art
DekaBlast - Blast Buggy Ranger1654 viewsDrawn on a train ride and partly colored in, the first Secret Ranger I've done in a long time. Instead of the Braythrottle, we have a new morpher called the Blasshifter, a wrist-mounted gearshift that sends our senior Tokukyou's left fist into different speeds.44444
(7 votes)
viewtiful ranger1181 viewsjust another viewtiful joe pic I power rangerized.44444
(7 votes)
1105 views44444
(9 votes)
1027 views44444
(8 votes)
what my ideal power ranger game would look like1790 viewsthis what my ideal power ranger game would look like44444
(8 votes)
Reverse Dimension Ninja Zords728 viewsAlong with the new ninja powers, the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers were given new zords based on the animals they represent. The zords can combine to form the Ninja Zord.44444
(6 votes)
Wild Force Secret Rangers: Whale Ranger Morph2755 viewsA world-weary old sailor finds kinship in a massive whale that frequents the trade routes of the Atlantic - but it's only through Wild Force that he learns of the shared destiny between him and the Whale Zord he always called friend, as the Wild Force Gray Ranger.44444
(6 votes)
Reverse Dimension Dairanger1278 viewsIn a parallell universe, the Rangers had lost their powers, and their Morphers been crushed, the evil wizard Zordon gave them the Aura Changers, and transformed to Reverse Dimesion Dairanger. From L to R: Turquoise Dragon Ranger (Rocky), Red-Orange Lion Ranger (Adam), Yellow Unicorn Ranger (Billy), Blue Griffin Ranger (Aisha), and Green Firebird Ranger (Kimberly).44444
(6 votes)
Reverse Dimension Turquoise Dragon Thunderzord794 viewsWhen the Tyrannosaurus Zord was destroyed by one of Lord Zedd's monsters it was rebuilt and upgraded into the Turquoise Dragon Thunderzord. Can change into warrior mode and can combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Mega Thunderzord.44444
(6 votes)
Reverse Dimension Power Rangers Mighty Morphin1023 viewsIn a parallel universe the evil wizard Zordon and his minion Alpha summoned 5 teenagers from Devils Grove giving them the Power Coins allowing them to become the evil Power Rangers to defeat the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.44444
(6 votes)
Zack returns1437 viewsthis is just a photomanipulation of a photo taken of him at power morphicon.
before you ask me why he's morphing red, well he already had the tyrannosaurus coin in the morpher, as well as wearing a red shirt. so I just went with the flow and made him red. if bridge can be promoted, I don't see why Zack couldn't too.
(4 votes)
1262 views44444
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540 files on 45 page(s) 31