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just a simple repaint940 views     (4 votes)

Reverse Dimension Maskman963 viewsFrom L to R: White Mask, Blue Mask, Turquoise Mask, Green Mask, and Yellow Mask     (4 votes)

Reverse Dimension Battle Fever J944 viewsFrom L to R: Negative America, Nevative Kenya, Negative Japan, Negative France, and Negative Cossack     (6 votes)

Power Rangers SPD X-Squad Black2490 viewsAlso made for me by incinerator     (3 votes)

brook nevin as a ranger1604 views     (3 votes)

Power Rangers: The Animated Series911 viewsI went for a Hanna Barbara style mock up of what a power rangers cartoon could look like.     (7 votes)

Turquoise Coin!674 viewsThis is the coin the evil Nosaj uses to transform into the Negative Turquiose Tyranosaurus Ranger!     (6 votes)

Secret Ranger: Pink Dinothunder Ranger1256 viewsIn an attempt to stop the other rangers from gaining control of the Stegazord, Trent/Evil White Ranger stole the dinogem of winds from Mesagog and using his own ranger energy created the Stega Morpher. The gem accidentaly ended up bonding with Cassidy Cornell creating the Pink Dinothunder Ranger. Like Trent she becomes evil but eventually joins the other rangers.
Morphing call: Pink Ranger Dino Power.
Suit template courtesy of Acatl at Rangerboard.
     (4 votes)

Chibi Battle Fever J V.21530 viewsYes. I made Battle Kenya's gloves, boots, chest part, part of his "ears", and "K" on his belt buckle green.     (4 votes)

Flashman chibi839 views     (4 votes)
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