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Aaron's Secret Rangers: Wild Force Panda Ranger2555 viewsJust realised that I'd posted the pic of the kitbashed Panda Zord before checking if the Panda Ranger pic was even here. Is my face red. Here you go.     (6 votes)
Date added=Mar 13, 2007 25[d1].jpg](albums/userpics/10249/thumb_25%5Bd1%5D.jpg)
Rio VS Jan1152 viewsI Put The Light And Color     (3 votes)

Banjo, Blue Turbo Ranger!707 viewsSince anybody could've been a better Blue Turbo Ranger than Justin, I've decided to drive the point home by making Banjo the Bear video game character from the "Banjo-Kazooie" Video Game series replace Justin as the Blue Turbo Ranger! I'd sure like to see that happen for real!     (3 votes)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bruce Timm Style - Shield Swap1312 viewsThe swapping of the Dragon Shield     (2 votes)

Turbo Movie1280 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?     (2 votes)

Reverse Dimension Goranger881 viewsFrom L to R: Akadairanger, Aoranger, Takoiranger, Kiranger, and Midoranger     (2 votes)

Operation Overdrive Zords1031 viewsThis Is The Operation Overdrive Zord From 1 To 18     (1 votes)

White Rangers Trent and Udonna1286 viewsTrent and Udonna zwinky style. I gave Udonna snowballs for her power and for fun.     (1 votes)

4Ever Mega Gray Zeo Ranger!598 viewsThis is the first custom Power Ranger that I have ever made! It's actually based on the rumor that Billy was going to become a Gray Zeo Ranger in "Power Rangers Zeo." So I took that concept & expanded it in order for me to become the Mega Gray Zeo Ranger! (And that's my helmet to the left!)     (6 votes)

4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!943 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!     (6 votes)
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