Top rated - Fan Art |

Scarabeus Zord1545 viewsZord of the Silver Cyber Claw Ranger. His Hands and Feet are mighty canons. He becomes the Head and upper Body of Cyber Rage Megazord     (3 votes)

Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 21611 viewsNot the actual Barikion/Catastros, just a vehicle-sized replica for all Rangers that copies the BariJavelin weapon and the space in the front for Centaur mode. Maybe throw in a missile-launching Magi Staff for good measure.     (3 votes)

thuy trang as kali1080 viewsI made this in "ultimate FX"     (3 votes)

1098 viewsWhat if somehow the Green ranger powers where restored and Ninjor would give a Ninja Ranger form...     (2 votes)

1016 viewsWhat if Jason would gain the Green ranger powers at the end of season 2 or suring season 3...     (2 votes)

Neo-Dinozords1247 viewsNeo Power Rangers, my own fanfic;
in a 2nd season, the primary enemy has found the hidden location of the lost Titanus, and uses it for its own evil purposes. And so Dimitria and Alpha 5 (who have returned to earth in a 1st season) give live to new dinozords to battle against Titanus.     (2 votes)
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