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Mystic Force Helmetless2301 viewsMy fave toys. The mystic force rangers posing with their lion staffs and the helmets are in front of them. (The Chip, Madison, Vida, and Xander toys look like the humans. Nick looks white with lipstick in my eyes)     (2 votes)

866 viewsShogun Megazord's sword     (2 votes)

Super Sentai Series 20071559 viewsProbably a three-ranger team again...     (2 votes)

probably new Sentai morphing item1223 viewsReal Change?!     (2 votes)

Ninja Megazord down956 viewsafter an attack by the blue blobber the Ninja megazord goes down     (2 votes)

Shogunzord Down812 viewsafter an attack by the blue blobber the shogunzord goes down     (2 votes)

Reverse Dimension Liveman830 viewsFrom L to R: Blue Lion, White Bison, Turquoise Falcon, Lilac Rhino, and Yellow Dolphin     (2 votes)

Reverse Dimension Fiveman727 viewsFrom L to R: Five Yellow, Five Green, Five Turquoise, Five Blue, and Five White     (2 votes)

Reverse Dimension Goggle 5852 viewsFrom L to R: Goggle Blue, Goggle White, Goggle Turquoise, Goggle Yellow, and Goggle Green     (2 votes)

Reverse Dimension Dynaman793 viewsFrom L to R: Dynagreen, Dynayellow, Dynaturquoise, Dynawhite, and Dynablue     (2 votes)

BlackHawk!1138 viewsI 1st thought of this character when I submitted an episode idea on "TV. com" for the TV show "Yin Yang Yo," & this was the only website I could think of where I might be allowed to post my picture so people who read my idea can find out what he looks like. I've put it under "Not for Reuse" as I don't want other people stealing it & claiming it as their own.     (2 votes)

Final Collage817 viewsThe title says it all, this shall be the last collage I ever submit into this website, I hope you will enjoy looking at all the merchandise that I have collected revolving around the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!"     (2 votes)
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