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4Ever Mega Gray Zeo Ranger!598 viewsThis is the first custom Power Ranger that I have ever made! It's actually based on the rumor that Billy was going to become a Gray Zeo Ranger in "Power Rangers Zeo." So I took that concept & expanded it in order for me to become the Mega Gray Zeo Ranger! (And that's my helmet to the left!)     (6 votes)

4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!943 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!     (6 votes)

Power Rangers: Author1234 viewsPoof!     (6 votes)

Luna Lovegood as Blue Mystic Ranger965 views     (3 votes)

Reverse Dimension Changeman759 viewsFrom L to R: Negative Phoenix, Negative Pegasus, Negative Dragon, Negative Griffin, and Negative Mermaid     (3 votes)

Flashman vs Changeman815 views     (3 votes)

Animaniacs-Power ranger parody841 views     (3 votes)

Animaniacs-Power ranger parody933 views     (3 votes)
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