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If Go-onger becomes adapted into the 2009 Power Rangers series, the title will be none other than... POWER RANGERS SESAME STREET!!1271 viewsElmo: Red Ranger
Cookie Monster: Blue Ranger
Zoe: Yellow Ranger
Oscar: Green Ranger
Ernie: Black Ranger
"Are there Power Rangers of, Power Rangers of Sesame Street?!"     (12 votes)

1654 viewsIt's official. Sesame Street is ready for some real action!     (10 votes)

"4Ever Tigerzord!"580 viewsIn case you can't tell, the symbol in the middle is supposed to be the Tigerzord. :O     (8 votes)

Napoleon Dynamite morphing1560 views     (7 votes)

822 viewsWhat if BJ was the Orange ranger?     (11 votes)
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