Hahaha, Well you still learn news on Leno, with a Punchline too!!, I only watch the Monolouge and the funny part after that, Headlines is funniest (Real news with mistakes in it) and Jaywalking where he goes out to a street and quizes people and their too dumb to know the answer, thats where I got that joke, Someone was quized with a picture of Napolean Bonapart and said Napolean Dynamite and they put Dynamites head on Bonaparts body and had it say "You Suck!!"
Speaking of Napolean Dynamite, I wonder why they didn't hire David Yost to play a part in that movie. I mean, you'd think that after you've been a Power Ranger, that you would do ANYTHING for money!
don't buy every random crap you read. the dude couldn't even write a coherent sentence. I really doubt its true, and is the only place Ive seen that rumor pop up.
Did you read it at the same place? Have you heard David Yost confirm that rumor? Cause if not, don't go spreading around information that might not even be true!
So what if I did? You're still jaded because YOUR guys lost the 2006 mid-term elections big time for failing to do one simple thing: SERVING THE PEOPLE THEIR SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT! NOT THE GOD-&@^^!\! CORPORATIONS! And if you think I was being angry, don't worry, it's not just you. Seriously, it isn't!
David Yost is not gay, no one in the fandom has had contact with him for years. So there is no way anyone would even know. Lets not spread rumors. Post the link to the thread that says the rumor at least. Before you go tell missinformation about someone.
David Yost is not gay; funny how rumors start, even amongst "fans." If you're going to go by rumors, at least go by something with a FEW facts: h t t p : / / w w w . a n g e l f i r e . c o m / f a l c o n / f i l m 3 / D a v i d Y o s t . h t m l.