'The brat' is Rider_Leangle, real name Colin Schaffer, and if you don't watch yourself you'll have a special name of your own very soon, 'incinerator'. The fact that you're claiming I've never uploaded anything without actually bothering to look will only add to that.
why not get into the habit of reading over your comments? or use the edit button? not only did you make a typo, but you used a double negative, which completely reverses the meaning.
That's probably what he is doing. Thankfully, I have LONG since dropped out of that race because it's the QUALITY of your comments that counts, not the QUANTITY!
How stupid do you think I am, I am not this idiot you're confusing me for and I would never deny my identity, And I've checked google and found about every word this Ryuu guy has ever said and not once have they said "You're", Are they so stupid they don't know that word <_<
This has gone well beyond proving you're Colin, since by now it goes without saying, and it's gone into the realm of how long you're going to cling to this illusion that you've got another chance. Idiot.
Colin was booted out around Halloween last year, how ironic would it be for Colin to get booted out again out the same time? The irony would be so delicious, but why prolong our toture any longer? Let's dump the chump!
And how much longer do you suppose it will be before you end up putting your own foot into your mouth for making such a stupid comment? Probably not TOO long from the looks of things! Seriously!