To reply to Angel ranger, no it really wouldn't I'm sorry, they look like what everyones been saying Wf/NS with a hint of Voltron and Transformers beast wars ..and I know i'm gonna take a lot of flak for this.but I prefer boxier zords "Is that even a word?" I know there suppose to be updated and sleek but there robots, I don't know. keep the men in the cardboard box suits "I know there not cardboard" And I know I've said this about every suit since NS but I don't think I like these costumes at all
I'm sorry but the series I think will be good even though they do look weird they look like the can pick up some of their own slack plus I found out that there will be another 2 rangers joining (yes the wild force colors of black and white ) the white ranger will be a lioness and the black will be a lion so we will see how this works out but they go in the catagory of ninja strom and dino thunder so they should be really good
it's just tha same thing but recycled storylines and new faces but tha two is goin to be either evil or in their own tribe ( like ninja storm ) or joined seperatly ( like Dino Thunder ) and tha sixth possible ranger should be tha Panther Ranger
Yeah Yeah Deeboy, but the the line up for me would have been
Red ranger: lion
yellow ranger:cheetah
blue ranger: panther
white ranger: tiger
black ranger: puma
and if there is a sixth ranger I think It would be the green cougar. Plus what is wrong with the zords tigerzord The zord itself reminds me of the Ninja strom lightning mode mega zord and thundersuarus in dino thunder so whatsup with that Oh and Bobvob I like the name for the series I would have called it Power rangers Beast ninjas
Yeah, Ok, but why does the white one HAVE to be girl It basically just like Wild Force but cooler though. And is there a certain site that tells you what rangers will appear in the future, i mean i want proof and the Zords in the pictures are toys...there an ad for the Geki ranger toys....
actually not, because junglefury . net can give you the most info about the geki series aswell as the 2008 series for the rangers so like I said the will be 2 rangers black and white but I read that the lion and lioness is not soild so we will see what happens cuz there is still 7 more months where they can appear
Red ranger: lion
yellow ranger:cheetah
blue ranger: panther
white ranger: tiger
black ranger: puma
and if there is a sixth ranger I think It would be the green cougar. Plus what is wrong with the zords tigerzord
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