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Pink_Power_Ranger_Karone   [May 24, 2006 at 06:29 AM]
Rocky: I was the better Red Ranger. Tommy: No I am. Jason: You are both wrong. I was the Best Red Ranger. So the two of you quit fighting about it. You are giving me a headache
4EverGreen   [May 28, 2006 at 10:23 PM]
Tommy:"What have you been taking the last two years you've been away? Stupid pills? That's Rita Repulsa's line! And Rocky wasn't even a real Red Ranger because he wasn't a leader, and you Jason, didn't stop the Green Candle from completely burning out which made me lose my Green Ranger Powers, so you're not the greatest Red Ranger ever! Face it you two, I have and always will be the best power ranger!" Rocky:"If you're so great than why did you choose T.J. to be your replacement?" Confused
BlakkRanger310   [Oct 13, 2006 at 06:38 AM]
JASON: "Look, I ain't tryin' to hear all that, I-Ight?"
4EverGreen   [Oct 14, 2006 at 07:44 AM]
Tommy:"I didn't even WANT to pick T.J. okay?! I was going to let Adam take my place when I left the team but NOOOOO!!! Saban just had to have a completely new team of rangers! It serves them right for letting Zordon get captured!" Idea
Deeboy28   [Feb 12, 2007 at 05:17 PM]
Jason:Not my fault Rocky got demoted to Blue Ranger!!!! Tommy: Aww man that's right Jason he did got demoted and you got promoted to be chosen the Gold Ranger!!! Rocky: That's cold, Tommy who got dumped by Kimberly, now how about them apples??? Jason: Oh, man I have a huge HEADACHE!!!
4EverGreen   [Feb 12, 2007 at 11:44 PM]
Tommy whispers to Jason: "Let's make a deal now: both of us make ABSOLUTELY sure that Rocky does NOT get invited for the tenth anniversary "Power Ranger" episode!" Jason: "Sounds like a good idea to me!" Shocked
douma102653   [Jun 17, 2011 at 12:18 PM]
(...) (...) (编辑ï
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