Last comments - Power Rangers Operation Overdrive |

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/31/06 at 10:49Tigerzord: Knock off the race stuff, people are people no mat...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/30/06 at 22:41RedRanger2000: Actually Pink is Hispanic.

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/30/06 at 20:42Bobvob: Why don't you just switch yellow and pink arou...

1876 views12/23/06 at 16:35houhoupink: That's strange, I saw the original pose in th...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/23/06 at 06:07Deeboy28: deja vu all over again only if they switch races b...

Yellow Overdrive Ranger3012 viewsCaitlin Murphy will be playing the Yellow Drive Ranger12/23/06 at 06:02Deeboy28: and Kimberly as well since her color s pink which...

Yellow Overdrive Ranger3012 viewsCaitlin Murphy will be playing the Yellow Drive Ranger12/22/06 at 20:33KimIsPinkRangerOfMyHeart: Is everyone forgetting the cutest of yellow ranger...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/22/06 at 18:27spd go: Reminds me of MMPR SEASON 1

Yellow Overdrive Ranger3012 viewsCaitlin Murphy will be playing the Yellow Drive Ranger12/21/06 at 04:36Deeboy28: so does Pink as well

Yellow Overdrive Ranger3012 viewsCaitlin Murphy will be playing the Yellow Drive Ranger12/20/06 at 18:54Bobvob: Wow, I like her(catlin murphy). She'll make a ...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/18/06 at 22:26Bobvob: and adam is FINNALY coming back!
and is it me, or...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/16/06 at 03:08spd go: My sources are and
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