Last comments - Power Rangers Operation Overdrive |

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/15/06 at 22:27Deeboy28: I don't know how or where you got those source...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/15/06 at 17:21spd go: Sally Martin (Tori Hanson of PRNS) and a SPD range...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/15/06 at 02:01Bobvob: But emma Laham(kira) is coming back too, so are th...
Date added=Sep 15, 2006 Copy_of_Copy_of_prlogov6bls9[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10249/thumb_Copy_of_Copy_of_prlogov6bls9%5B1%5D.jpg)
Operation Overdrive Logo4739 viewsThis Is The Official PR 2007 Logo12/14/06 at 18:41defender2009: Hey Never mind

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/14/06 at 15:34Deeboy28: oookkk what for?! another team up possibl...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/13/06 at 20:00spd go: It has been confirmed that James Napier (Connor Mc...

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/13/06 at 08:55Deeboy28: Gee I wonder what that future silver rang...
Date added=Sep 15, 2006 Copy_of_Copy_of_prlogov6bls9[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10249/thumb_Copy_of_Copy_of_prlogov6bls9%5B1%5D.jpg)
Operation Overdrive Logo4739 viewsThis Is The Official PR 2007 Logo12/13/06 at 08:52Deeboy28: Yeah I know it NOW but yeah I like those...

Yellow Overdrive Ranger3012 viewsCaitlin Murphy will be playing the Yellow Drive Ranger12/12/06 at 17:31Rising Sun Ranger: I loved Natsuki!! And she's not bad either.

The Drive Rangers6465 viewsOur first look.12/12/06 at 17:14Rising Sun Ranger: Here's hoping that Operation Overdrive will be...

Moltor1359 viewsHe lives in the heat of a volcano. He and his brother, Flurious, have fought since the beginning of time to obtain the Crown of the Gods. His henchmen are called the Lava Lizards.
The Second of the operation overdrive villains12/12/06 at 12:21Deeboy28: NEVER!!! He's quite a "HOT-HEAD" :l...

Flurious1620 viewsHis lair lies in a sub-zero glacier. His henchmen are called the Chillers. The first operation overdrive villain (Moltor's brother)12/12/06 at 12:20Deeboy28: too bad Arnold Schrennegger can't rerpise his ...
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