Last comments - Gekiranger |

GekiViolet1369 viewsHis zord is a wolf06/04/07 at 19:31JonathanSalinas: Wolzard is not a ranger.

GekiViolet1369 viewsHis zord is a wolf06/02/07 at 21:41Rider_Leangle: Yes, But was still purple then

GekiViolet1369 viewsHis zord is a wolf06/02/07 at 14:45PinkDekaranger: Wolzard is evil in purple, and good in crimson.

GekiViolet1369 viewsHis zord is a wolf06/01/07 at 04:33Rider_Leangle: "The first Purple Ranger in Sentai/PR series....

GekiViolet1369 viewsHis zord is a wolf05/31/07 at 04:19Aaron Hong: 1.75m, eh? I've yet to see them get suit actor...

GekiViolet1369 viewsHis zord is a wolf05/30/07 at 13:24PinkDekaranger: The first Purple Ranger in Sentai/PR series.

Juuken Sentai Gekiranger1951 viewsGeki Tohja(Hit Fighter), the megazord
Geki Elephant, could be combined with Geki Tohja05/23/07 at 03:46powerrangersCKNdude: oh wow........more messing up to fix. ...

681 views05/07/07 at 02:50Artic_Rival: Juuken Rock Paper Sissors: Ran beats Jan, Jan beat...

1459 views03/30/07 at 09:00Kyle: Whenever I see a megazord with blue and yellow zor...

1295 views03/25/07 at 18:34Aaron Hong: We used to get Fiveman on TV here in Singapore. An...
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