Last comments - Power Rangers Wild Force |

1468 views08/08/06 at 21:08Rider_Leangle: *Fart sound* Jason: OH NO, I FARTED. NO, AIR!! *fa...

zeo blind power kick1909 views08/08/06 at 19:404EverGreen: Tommy:"How many times do I have to tell you t...

1120 views08/08/06 at 19:374EverGreen: That's a good one! If Blake Foster could...

1468 views08/08/06 at 19:354EverGreen: Jason:"That's okay, my Power Ranger suit ...

zeo blind power kick1909 views08/08/06 at 02:37Rider_Leangle: Tommy has finaly discovered after 10 years that th...

1120 views08/08/06 at 02:35Rider_Leangle: Danny: Lets play who's the worst actor, I'...

1468 views08/08/06 at 02:34Rider_Leangle: Little did Jason know that despite what Haim Saban...

1630 views06/20/06 at 20:524EverGreen: I'm not the one who needs to improve my jokes....

1630 views06/20/06 at 04:26shishi ranger: Ehhh I laughed. But apparently there's only e...

1630 views06/19/06 at 23:58Aaron Hong: So you're saying that you need other people to...

1630 views06/19/06 at 22:184EverGreen: And to think that some people think that MY jokes ...
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