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1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments09/27/06 at 06:59PinkDekaranger: Kogou no arawashi Gao Yellow! & Tsuyoki bouken...

Negative Finster!575 viewsUnlike Finster in the positive universe, Retsnif is self-serving & only thinks of overthrowing the good witch Asluper Atir & setting up an empire all over the universe! Retsnif even made a potion to make Radlog (Goldar's Negative,) & Aniprocs (Scorpina's Negative,) to obey only Retsnif & purposely throw their fights against the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!09/27/06 at 06:094EverGreen: This actually gives the heroic outcasts of the neg...

Negative Rita!582 viewsAt the same time Rita Repulsa was casting the positive Power Rangers into the negative universe, the good sorceress Asluper Atir was trying to draw the positive Power Rangers into the negative universe in order to stop the negative Power Rangers from causing any more damage to Earth, before all hope is lost!09/27/06 at 06:074EverGreen: In the negative universe, Asluper Atir was trying ...

Negative Shellshock!545 viewsOne of many heroic outcasts Asluper Atir's loyal helpers Oobab & Tauqs made to try to stop the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from spreading any more evil on negative Earth! Unfortunately, despite the many special abilities Cohslehs had, he was still killed by the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!09/27/06 at 06:014EverGreen: In the negative universe, the negative power range...

Negative Tommy!633 viewsWhen the good witch Asluper Atir needed help fighting the Negative Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, she saw a promising young student in Ymmot (Tommy's negative,) & knew he'd make a great warrior if she turned him to good. Unfortunately, even with Ymmot's help it's not enough to keep the Negative Power Ranger's from bringing evil to the negative Earth!09/27/06 at 05:574EverGreen: Also, in this dimension, Ymmot is known as the Pur...

Shellshock!593 viewsThis is by the way, the American version of Shellshock, not the Sentai one. When the Sentai Shellshock grows giant, Shellshock looks very different from what he looks like right here!09/27/06 at 05:544EverGreen: If Saban thinks that ANYBODY is going to laugh at ...

Evil 4EverGreen Tigerzord Ranger!604 viewsBecause even the best of the good people in this world have a dark side to them, so do I have a reverse counterpart in the negative dimension! With an evil mustache & an evil goatee, the negative Black TigerZord ranger tries to take over the world for his evil master Nodroz!09/27/06 at 05:504EverGreen: Sometimes I wonder what the exact reason is that j...

Banjo, Blue Turbo Ranger!712 viewsSince anybody could've been a better Blue Turbo Ranger than Justin, I've decided to drive the point home by making Banjo the Bear video game character from the "Banjo-Kazooie" Video Game series replace Justin as the Blue Turbo Ranger! I'd sure like to see that happen for real!09/27/06 at 05:484EverGreen: Banjo:"Shift into Turbo!" Tommy:"It...

Finster!596 viewsYou know, I feel really sorry for Finster. He works long hours day & night, and never once does he ever hear Rita Repulsa thanking him for all his hard work! I bet Finster wishes he had joined a better line of work!09/27/06 at 05:454EverGreen: In perhaps what is the most oxymoron question to e...

Zord Battle!625 viewsIn perhaps what is the most idiotic mistake of all Power Merchandise, the back of the card first calls the Dragonzord a Dinozord, then they say the Megazord DESTROYED the Dragonzord in battle! Who was RESPONSIBLE for writing that when they messed the description up?!09/27/06 at 05:404EverGreen: You know SOMETHING'S got to be wrong with the ...

Rita Repulsa!656 viewsThe card says she's an alien. No offense, but that is the most NON-alien Alien I've ever seen! I'm just saying.09/27/06 at 05:374EverGreen: At least the drawing is good.

1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments09/26/06 at 09:13Rider_Leangle: Uhh, They don't look anything alike
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