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The TRUTH About Power Rangers745 viewsIf it says so on the cover, then it must be true.09/24/06 at 07:26Rider_Leangle: Its more important than punctuation
1212 views09/24/06 at 07:25Rider_Leangle: I do know how to spell it, I just don't want t...
542 views09/24/06 at 07:24Rider_Leangle: Then try doing that and buy a scaner
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
09/24/06 at 07:23Rider_Leangle: Isn't that what Ryuu said whenever he came bac...
1519 views09/24/06 at 07:21Rider_Leangle: Well there is a difference between what college te...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
09/24/06 at 06:244EverGreen: I'm really sorry everyone! I promise only ...
4Ever Mega Gray Zeo Ranger!604 viewsThis is the first custom Power Ranger that I have ever made! It's actually based on the rumor that Billy was going to become a Gray Zeo Ranger in "Power Rangers Zeo." So I took that concept & expanded it in order for me to become the Mega Gray Zeo Ranger! (And that's my helmet to the left!)09/24/06 at 06:194EverGreen: I'd also get to drive a pretty cool zord to! I...
Turquoise Coin!679 viewsThis is the coin the evil Nosaj uses to transform into the Negative Turquiose Tyranosaurus Ranger!09/24/06 at 06:154EverGreen: Nosaj:"It's time again to morph negativel...
tommy1156 viewsa more basic set up for Tommy's history as a Power Ranger09/24/06 at 06:074EverGreen: The evolution of a Power Ranger throughout 5 diffe...
Merchandise Collage 8646 viewsThe small things seen in this picture are the disk launchers for two "Power Rangers" Happy Meal toys that I happened to get! I can't believe that I didn't think of putting the disk launchers in this ranger gallery sooner!09/24/06 at 06:054EverGreen: I wonder how many individual cards there are in al...
Plot Description552 viewsThe front of this card is just basically the MMPR opening screen logo so I didn't even bother scanning it in since it's probably already in one of the other posters. I'm trying my best not to duplicate pictures here, so please bear with me.09/24/06 at 06:034EverGreen: Another thing I'd like to mention is that this...
Rangers-Civilian Form620 viewsThe Power Rangers are catching a very rare break between classes & Rita's monsters! Also, the front of the card happens to be a special tin-foil edition of the regular card, but since the back of the special card is basically the same as the regular card, I just turned the Regular Card upside down.09/24/06 at 06:004EverGreen: Can anyone please tell me how I can crop this pict...
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