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1519 views09/19/06 at 08:40Rider_Leangle: Uhh, Yes it does, You're talking about me and ...
1697 views09/19/06 at 08:404EverGreen: By the way, I got part of Doggie Cruger's quot...
1519 views09/19/06 at 08:374EverGreen: Stay out of this Ryuu_Leangle! This doesn&...
Power Rangers Zeo: The Movie4594 viewsThis is a poster that tells about a new Power Rangers movie. I'm not sure if they were inferring that there would be a "Zeo" movie, or if it was an early ad for the "Turbo" movie. 09/19/06 at 08:35Rider_Leangle: Now thats the best part ever!!!!
Power Rangers Zeo: The Movie4594 viewsThis is a poster that tells about a new Power Rangers movie. I'm not sure if they were inferring that there would be a "Zeo" movie, or if it was an early ad for the "Turbo" movie. 09/19/06 at 08:344EverGreen: The only REALLY good thing that EVER happened duri...
Power Rangers of Sesame Street1951 viewsPurple Ranger:Telly
Blue Ranger:Cookie Monster/Grover
Green Ranger:Oscar
Yellow Ranger:Bert
Orange Ranger:Ernie/Zoe
Red Ranger:Elmo
Black Ranger:Count von Count
Prairie Dawn Ranger (she's a pink ranger):Prairie Dawn
09/19/06 at 08:32Rider_Leangle: I think Shrek has more brain cells
The Blue Ranger908 viewsBio and picture description of Billy, the one and only Blue "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger!" :D09/19/06 at 08:32Rider_Leangle: o_O??, OK, You win the trophy, Only this one is fo...
Power Rangers of Sesame Street1951 viewsPurple Ranger:Telly
Blue Ranger:Cookie Monster/Grover
Green Ranger:Oscar
Yellow Ranger:Bert
Orange Ranger:Ernie/Zoe
Red Ranger:Elmo
Black Ranger:Count von Count
Prairie Dawn Ranger (she's a pink ranger):Prairie Dawn
09/19/06 at 08:314EverGreen: Than I guess that would make Rider_Leangle an ogre...
Power Rangers of Sesame Street1951 viewsPurple Ranger:Telly
Blue Ranger:Cookie Monster/Grover
Green Ranger:Oscar
Yellow Ranger:Bert
Orange Ranger:Ernie/Zoe
Red Ranger:Elmo
Black Ranger:Count von Count
Prairie Dawn Ranger (she's a pink ranger):Prairie Dawn
09/19/06 at 08:30Rider_Leangle: Geez, What an idiot
1697 views09/19/06 at 08:30Rider_Leangle: OK, There are a couple of exceptions but I dispise...
Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Titanus Ranger1377 views09/19/06 at 08:29Aaron Hong: I'm thinking his weapon should be so huge that...
The Blue Ranger908 viewsBio and picture description of Billy, the one and only Blue "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger!" :D09/19/06 at 08:284EverGreen: Speaking of people hitting themselves on the head ...
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