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Dino Thunder Secret Rangers - Styraco and Auxillary Zord Rangers2340 views08/09/06 at 04:05Rider_Leangle: A: You forgot Stegozord, And B: The Ankylo Rnager ...
Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12107 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?08/09/06 at 04:02Rider_Leangle: Go work for Bandai America, they need you
Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Serpentera and Tor Rangers1408 views08/09/06 at 03:59Rider_Leangle: Serpentera Ranger looks like Dairanger
Power Rangers Magnum Thunder3991 viewsMy Idea for a Power Ranger series based off of Dairanger and set in an alternate universe.
About the Name: Magnum is a mispelling of Magna meaning Great ( Dairanger means Great Ranger) and Thunder ( Kiden Juu from Dairanger become Thunder Zords in Power Rangers MM season 2).
Rangers : Rocky Desantos, Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger in PR:T), Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine Hillard and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother from Pr:Z).
08/08/06 at 23:30Rider_Leangle: A: Tommy should be red, Rocky Blue, And unfortunat...
Maji vs. Deka1240 viewsa pic I took from Maji vs. Deka, the TVN sub, I'd go there with them, without the camera though08/08/06 at 23:25Rider_Leangle: Can you put me with them there
Majired Helmet792 viewsThis is the Auction pic from my Helmet08/08/06 at 23:25Rider_Leangle: Like it??, Its curently under repairs, It had a in...
1271 views08/08/06 at 23:13Rider_Leangle: Megazord: I'm a Giant Robot and I still have t...
command center1304 viewsphotoshped the building onto the cliff just as it was in mmpr.08/08/06 at 23:12Rider_Leangle: Who knew that a place other than Power Rangers fil...
command center1304 viewsphotoshped the building onto the cliff just as it was in mmpr.08/08/06 at 22:42aimid386902: Rider_Leangle, the show that's celebrating its...
1100 views08/08/06 at 22:26Rider_Leangle: Kim: Don't even try touching my rear with a po...
Thundersaurus3019 views08/08/06 at 22:24Rider_Leangle: Trent: OK, Which one of you called me a Weenie?? E...
1539 views08/08/06 at 22:23Rider_Leangle: Tommy: Why did I have to give Jason my sheild and ...
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