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Power Rangers of Sesame Street1949 viewsPurple Ranger:Telly
Blue Ranger:Cookie Monster/Grover
Green Ranger:Oscar
Yellow Ranger:Bert
Orange Ranger:Ernie/Zoe
Red Ranger:Elmo
Black Ranger:Count von Count
Prairie Dawn Ranger (she's a pink ranger):Prairie Dawn03/23/06 at 23:56aimid386902: YUCK!!!

Dekaranger versus Space Patrol Delta2857 views03/23/06 at 23:22Rising Sun Ranger: I know, I was just thinking Sky looks really old n...

What if we have an Asian dude as the Gold Mystic Ranger?3211 views03/23/06 at 23:10Rising Sun Ranger: Looks more like Ric Astley after a few pints of be...

What if we have an Asian dude as the Gold Mystic Ranger?3211 views03/23/06 at 22:51RedRanger2000: Is it me, or does Chip looks like that geek guy fr...

Dekaranger versus Space Patrol Delta2857 views03/23/06 at 22:26RedRanger2000: Sky ain't Japanese.

What if we have an Asian dude as the Gold Mystic Ranger?3211 views03/23/06 at 19:41Rising Sun Ranger: So Mystic Force will be the first ever PR series w...

Dekaranger versus Space Patrol Delta2857 views03/23/06 at 19:39Rising Sun Ranger: Is it me or does Sky look old enough to be Hoji...

You're wearing the wrong costume!!!1667 viewsHey look! It's Billy's sister!!03/23/06 at 16:22Rising Sun Ranger: Long time no see!! And BlessRanger's still doi...

thuy funeral3243 viewspics of thuy´s funeral03/23/06 at 16:21Rising Sun Ranger: R.I.P, Trini!!

Jetman2140 views03/23/06 at 12:55RedRanger2000: I only played the PC. Plus I don't think the c...

Jetman2140 views03/23/06 at 05:08yellow_mask: have you actually played both versions and then co...

Jetman2140 views03/22/06 at 02:30RedRanger2000: No. It's for PC only.
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