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2090 views08/24/06 at 16:304EverGreen: At least Disney had the sense to debut a GOOD fema...

Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views08/24/06 at 16:274EverGreen: Okay...sorry I asked! :-...

Reverse Dimension Thunerzords695 viewsWhen the Dino Zords were destroyed by one of Lord Zedd's monsters, they were rebuilt and upgraded into Thunderzords: Mastodon became Lion, Pteradactyl became Icebird, Triceratops became Unicorn and Sabre Tooth Tiger became Griffin. Can form the Thunderzord Assault Team and can combine with the Turquoise Dragon to form the Mega Thunder Zord08/24/06 at 16:134EverGreen: It sounds like even in a parallel universe, Lord Z...

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Black Ranger1765 viewsIn a parallell universe, Tommy Oliver, the Pink Ranger lost his powers and left the other rangers. But when the other Rangers couldn't handle Lord Zedd, Zordon gave him the powers of the Black Panther and a enchanted (swearing) sabre called Saba.08/24/06 at 16:114EverGreen: Is the Lord Zedd in the parallel universe good or ...

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger1375 viewsIn a parallell universe Tommy Oliver was put under a spell by the good sorceress Rita Repulsa and given the Dragon Power Coin and the Sword of Light and became the good Pink Ranger. After the Sword of Light was destroyed Tommy became evil again and joined the Mighty Morphin Rangers. He would eventually loose his powers and leave the team. 08/24/06 at 16:084EverGreen: There's just one teensy little problem here: T...

Goggle 5 chibi865 views08/23/06 at 21:32RedRanger2000: Very Cute!!

Jenji890 views08/23/06 at 18:14Rider_Leangle: What was'nt funny?/

2090 views08/23/06 at 18:13Rider_Leangle: Well I hear in the second half of the movie she wa...

Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views08/23/06 at 18:12Rider_Leangle: Nope, Read it somewhere completely different

Jenji890 views08/23/06 at 16:324EverGreen: That's not funny Rider_Leangle, and if Kyle ev...

2090 views08/23/06 at 16:304EverGreen: Demon Hunter was a she?! If America had us...

Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views08/23/06 at 16:274EverGreen: Did you read it at the same place? Have you heard ...
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