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Last additions - Merchandise
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive745 viewsTop Row: Red, Black and Blue Rangers
Bottom Row: Yellow, Pink and Mercury Rangers; Yellow and Pink Rangers I gave them a skirt to make them stand out, and the Mercury Ranger was obtained through the Mercury Zord-tek Cycle.
Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue1030 viewsTop Row: Red, Blue and Green Rangers
Bottom row: Yellow, Pink and Titanium Rangers, both girls have a skirt created for them
Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers Wild Force889 viewsThe Wild Force figures that came with the Savage Cycles. I also gave the White and Yellow Rangers a skirt each, although the Yellow didn't need one.Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers Wild Force1149 viewsThe Wild Force figures that camewith the Savage Cycles. I also gave the White and Yellow Rangers a skirt each, although the Yellow didn't need one.Oct 25, 2008
NInja Storm805 viewsTop Row: Red, Yellow and Blue Wind Rangers, the Blue Ranger with a skirt made out of paper, cellotape and blu-tak. Bottom row: The Thunder Brothers (Crimson and Navy) and the Green Samurai Ranger.Oct 25, 2008
PRDT with 5/6 rangers809 viewsMe Dino Thunder figures; for the skirt, I had to carefully peel the skirt off on of me spare figures and place it on this Yellow Ranger.Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers767 viewsThe classic 4.75" figures of me Power Rangers, edited to look like the actual Power Rangers from the Television series. Sorry if they look rubbish.Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers Zeo718 viewsThe 4.75" version of the Rangers with edited skirts.Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers Turbo681 viewsThe 4.75" version of the Power Rangers with edited skirts.Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers in Space702 viewsThe 4.75" versions of the Space Rangers.Oct 25, 2008
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy771 viewsLike other users, I have decided to take pictures of me collection, but to clear one thing, I made the skirts differently to other users, using paper, cellotape (correct me if the spelling is wrong) and Blu-tak.Oct 25, 2008
Dragon Coin624 viewsSep 16, 2008
143 files on 12 page(s) 2