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Jason double kicks some Cogs1404 viewsThis is a screencap of Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) doing a double kick in mid-air against some Cogs in the "Power Rangers: Wild Force" episode "Forever Red". This was made and sent to me by a friend of mine who wants to remain anonymous, but I still thank him for letting me put this cool screenshot in my gallery.


Behold the true power of Sesame Street...1366 viewsElmo: Red Ranger
Cookie Monster: Blue Ranger
Oscar the Grouch: Green Ranger
Prairie Dawn: Pink Ranger
Zoe: Yellow Ranger


go go parody rangers1350 viewsppl ud never want to see as rangers (side note i didnt change thuy because of her death i did not want to disrespect her )

orange ankyloranger project1337 viewsproject in prgress orange anklyloranger


Power Morpher sticker {Lighning}1283 viewsU can use this with your old morpher and stick it on or something

Red Ranger kicks Venjix 21282 viewsThe Red Wild Force Ranger looks on as the original Red Ranger flips at General Venjix and unleashes a series of kicks at the Machine Empire general in the "Power Rangers: Wild Force" episode "Forever Red". Special thanks go out to my friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, for sending me this image and allowing me to put it in my album.


Dino Gems1274 viewsReplicas of the Dino Gems as seen in "Dino Thunder". Built from scratch and cast in clear casting resin dyed the appropriate colors.

Blossom1271 views
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