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Forever Red Jason morphs 31185 views"Tyrannosaurus!!" Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) uses his original Power Morpher for the first time in eight years to morph into the original Red Ranger in "Forever Red". Thanks to my friend, who unfortunately wishes to remain anonymous, for sending me the screencap he made from his PowerDVD and allowing me to put it up in my gallery.     (1 votes)

pink ranger morphed870 viewsDana morphed as the pink Lightspeed ranger     (1 votes)

Ultraman Mebius814 viewsThis is the 40th Anniversary Ultra Series, as well as being the 20th addition to the Ultra Series. Aired in 2006.     (1 votes)

RB's greenrangerman aka Jeremy1071 views     (1 votes)

żółta ranger jungle fury561 viewsopjp;     (1 votes)

Planet Storm Blue Ranger542 viewsThis is Ray Nichols, the Planet Storm Blue Ranger.     (1 votes)

Power Rangers E.D.U798 viewsE.D.U= Earth Defense Union     (1 votes)

Communicator Replicas614 viewsCommunicator Replica as made by myself     (1 votes)
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