Top rated - Power Rangers |

Negative-Dimension Zord 1!643 views(Note: the following story is fan fiction.) In one of Rita Repulsa's many plots against the Power Rangers, she zaps the hero's into a negative dimension where the negative versions of the Power Rangers are the bad guys, &the negative versions of Rita&her forces are good guys! This is the zord that the evil Inirt (Trini's negative) pilots to destroy the forces of good!     (5 votes)

yellow ranger costume1796 viewsno helmet yet... photoshop'd one in     (5 votes)

MMPR1741 viewsMMPR     (16 votes)

mcdonalds commercial3184 views     (16 votes)

MMPR3198 viewsMMPR     (18 votes)

Kat Hillard1339 views     (12 votes)

Kat´s trouble995 views     (6 votes)
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